Monday, January 14, 2008

welcome to the party life


it's a single party. you the only one who got invited. you the only who came to dance.

you make a decision. and you are the only one to live with it.

you must breathe with it in your own body.

you must have faith ... that at the very least ... you simply did the right thing.

LOVe, me

Thursday, January 10, 2008

what the world needs NOW!

you may wonder why i harp on this LOVE bizness so much ... sigh. well, i almost didn't write this blog. i almost let the lack of love i read in the newspaper, i see in my job, and i hear from our youth overwhelm me and take me down ... into a sinking black cloud of hopelessness.

where is the LOVE?!

so i read today ... that a vietnamese (not that it fucking matters) man in alabama tossed his four kids off of a bridge and sent them to their deaths ... the kids ages ranged from a few months old to 3 years ... they even showed a picture ... where is the love?

right beneath that little tidbit i read that the police arrested a woman (i am assuming she is white since they didn't mention ethnicity at all) because they discovered the dead bodies of four females in her house (?!!!) ranging in age from 5 years old to 18 ... where is the love?

i work with young people. this week ... one of my students is being put out of his aunt's house. his mama is in jail. his sister won't take him in. he has no job right now. he is about to be homeless. and he is in despair. no one wants to be homeless. he is 19 years old. where is the love?

my other student came in this week to tell me that she was raped. she is 20.

where is the love?

Sunday, January 6, 2008

the great debaters ... no denzel

barack is no denzel washington. but uh he is just as cute. and he is a great public speaker. but he probly couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. then again ... these politicians are the BEST actors.

i watched the 'debate' on shit i forgot what day. not much of a debate ... more of a reality tv show in which a news anchorman asked some questions of the candidates. it's all a farce but it was kind of entertaining.

the farce part is that nothing in america really changes when the president changes. nothing. ever. since the beginning of america. that's cuz we live in a two-party prison. the two parties aint very different. and also the electoral college takes a lot of the democratic punch out of this so-called democracy. the senate and house of reps would need to change ... well, if we really wanted change.

i just can't stand hillary clinton. she backed the iraqi war cuz it was politically expedient. that's all i need to fucking know.

john edwards is looking like a radical ... and obama is looking all-american ...

what does it really mean?

things change very slooooooooooowly. but america is not what it used to be. and i think we can all sense that even if a woman or a black man does not become prez in '09 ... a change gon come.

and for a woman (me) who had no faith in america, humanity, white people, or the u.s. government this is encouraging news.

you should be (a little) encouraged too.