Thursday, March 27, 2008

tastes great/less filling: we could all be wright

i read about 53 1/2 blogs a day. all about the u.s. democratic primary. i kinda skip mccain and nader blogs ... just not as riveting to me. i am admittedly obssessed and addicted to this 2008 political contest.

i even read pro-clinton blogs cuz i like to see how those human beings think and process info.

well there are a few nagging loose ends about rev wright that i think are dangling ... and obscuring clear vision ... the way a loose strand of hair gets in the faces of people who have straight hair or stray hairs ... but anyway

1) rev wright's sermons should not be discussed by anyone who has not seen the entire sermon -- i have heard some say that context is an 'excuse' used by pro-obama supporters. but context is neither partisan nor does it convey preferential treatment. it merely is. it is intellectually lazy to divorce speech (or anything else) from its context. however, language in particular cannot be taken out of context. it is ALWAYS context that defines the language in play (i challenge you to do your own research). take the example of the word "that". which "that" is she talking about? that 'that' or the other 'that'. well, maybe i'm talking about that one over there (don't get me started on there). over where? oh, you mean the person to whom i am speaking would have to be standing right next to me to understand what i mean by that? and this is not some indirect advocacy for bill clinton's is 'is' redefinitions. this is based on linguistic study i did once upon a time at grad school that i never imagined would have any real life impact on the real world. but 'that' and 'this' cannot be taken out of context.

well, before we get to the specific words rev wright issued let's try a less vague example. for all of you who are hard to persuade. let's take the word 'brother.' i would use nigga but that's very controversial ... so when a black man calls another black man whom he is not related to 'brother,' does it mean brother in the sibling sense? perhaps you would have to know the context of the situation: how are the two men connected to each other? in my hypothetical example they do not share any blood as it turns out. so here we see if we audio or videotaped their convo - splicing the word brother - we might assume ... that they did share at least one parent. never mind that the way in which 'brother' is defined here arises from the context of a specific black experience.

does the same word have the same meaning in a different context? let's say a white man comes in a restaurant that uh sells cheese and he approaches a black male salesperson by saying "hey, hook it up brudda" (and the white man puts extra emphasis on the 'dd' as opposed to the 'th' and he is sure to leave off the -er). how does the white man mean 'brother'? and how does his audience (of one) interpret the 'brother' claim? is the context important? what happens when the black cheese-seller then punches the white man in the face? can we conclude the black man took this form of 'brudda' as an insult? and what happens when the white man acts perplexed as to why a black man would take this as an insult? perhaps, yes, just perhaps (for all you doubters) context might inform the explanation of this situation. perhaps.

now, let's get to the actual beef. the soundbites of rev wright's sermon cannot stand alone. and i think the media is negligent in reporting on statements taken out of context. if we take statements away from their parent-statements, if you will, then all we are doing is using those words to be understood as we intend; not attempting to understand them as the speaker intended. we can take words out of context to convey ANY meaning we like. but then we cannot call that communication we must call it ... propaganda. you are using de-contextualized words to promote your own interpretation or agenda.

if rev wright had made a brief three-word proclamation such as, "God damn america." then he would have to be held accountable to that three-word statement. context would still have a very important role but there could be no waffling on what he meant by those words. rev wright's actual sermon references pacifism and the words of a white U.S. Ambassador who used malcolm x's famous phrase "the chickens have come home to roost."

now, i am happy to get into a debate with ANYONE who has listened to the ENTIRE sermon. that's fine ... i think we would end up disagreeing about foreign policy and not race.

2) rev wright aint spit no hate speech -- i am troubled by the majority of people who now quick-term rev wright's soundbites as 'hate speech.' again, if you've only heard the soundbites you might jump to that conclusion. but you'd be jumping not deducing with your intelligence. but all of that aside, even the soundbites alone do not point to HATE. they point to critique. and they also point to a very different perspective on america than we see in popular media and culture - what obama in his race speech termed distorted. i would not use the term distorted for rev wright because that lays a negative value on it. i don't think his perspective is any more negative than blind patriotism. they are just different. an analogy i like to use is the half empty/half full perspective. a blind patriot might see the glass (of america) half full. and rev wright definitely sees it half empty. obama's speech attempted to provide the context for rev wright's half empty perspective. rev wright views the black experience in america from the bottom up; from the position of the poorest of the poor; from the disenfranchised; as a recipient of the very worst legacies of america's history.

one could disagree with that perspective but should one totally discount it? and when we categorize this as hate speech are we missing half of the dialogue on race? rev wright referenced the notion that america gave black people AIDS ... is that hate? no. did he say i hate america for giving us AIDS? no. did he say i want to kill all white people because they caused 9/11? no. did rev wright accuse white people of certain things that may or may not be true? yes. is that hate? no.

when rev wright's words are reduced ... and reduction is the key process ... to hate speech they are very easily discarded and dismissed. the words become detached from real human meaning - whether you agree with the meaning or not. when rev wright's words are reduced to hate speech there can be no foundation for commonality and compassion and no path towards GREATER UNDERSTANDING; because by then the words have been simplified into pure hate: words easily tossed in the trash, picked off a sweater like lint, reduced like a sauce until they are just burnt up remnants on a frying pan. if those in the media and public sphere continue to mitigate rev wright's words to a little hate-filled corner we will continue to hate each other.

closing remarks:
i suggest that mainstream america is so unused to scathing criticism (since the loss of malcolm x) two things happen: 1) people percieve rev wright's words as hate speech, and 2) disconnection from those who are most critical about america and her history -- the disenfranchised -- deepens.

do i discount this perception on the part of the bloggers, the pundits, hillary clinton, joan walsh, pat buchanan, and even many people of color?

i am REALLY REALLY trying not to: that's why i wrote this blog. i do not want to discount the visceral reaction that likely 50-60% of america had to rev wright's soundbites ... because i understand what it's like to have a different perception of reality ... i understand what it's like to be discounted because i see things in a way you've never even conceived of.

i can only join the voices of those white and brown, yellow, and black alike (in the minority) who are calling on americans and the media to be their best selves ... to stop being intellectually lazy, and to start looking at why they are so hurt by the small number of words uttered by rev wright.

let LOVE rule!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

THE rACE speech and doing it again

i would just like to take ALL credit for bam bam's race speech ... didn't i just predict that in my march 13th blog! i am laughing out loud because i am, of course, joking .... however, i was a little bit right ... obama gave THE race speech in philly on march 18th and you can find the transcript on ...

i aint goin into the speech's brilliance ... i'm not going to skewer the speech to try to pick it apart and find all its fault lines ... i just don't find that work as interesting as assessing the reactions to the speech.

one reaction has got my drawers all bunched up round my hips ... and that is this sentiment as expressed by joan walsh (link: she writes and i quote: "It was an intriguing leap, but I didn't buy it. I don't think Obama's elderly grandmother, who still lives in Hawaii and is reportedly too frail to travel, who was a product of her time and place and yet did her best to raise her half-black grandson, deserved to be compared to Wright, a public figure who's built his career around a particularly divisive analysis of American racial politics. It is easily the most tin-eared thing I've ever heard Obama say."

first i have to say that roger simon of expressed the same 'doubt' as joanie on msnbc's hardball with chris matthews just last night ... roger just didn't think the comparison between jeremiah wright and the white grandma is fair ... hmmm

second thought that comes to mind is .... bitches, please ...

let's dissect joan's language ... "hawaii," "frail," "a product of her time and place," "yet did her best," "half-black grandson"..... WOW joan come on ... are you saying the grandma is excused because she was a product of her time? or because she did her best? is wright not a product of his time? are we not all a product of our time? and even more so a product of our environment and stuck to our context? and why did you use half-black and not half-white? is that to imply the extra challenge the charitable white grandmother had to face - almost as if he was half-wild? and what the fuck does hawaii have to do with anything? joan, you wrote it like her 'still' being on an island of perceived peace and tranquility means she is in fact THE island of peace and tranquility! what does hawaii have to with it? is it too pretty a place for a racist grandma to have a house?

joan uses these words for rev. wright: "a public figure," "built ... on divisive analysis," ... so because he is in public he is no longer doing his best nor is he a product of his time ... and rev. wright's divisive analysis is MORE divisive than the white grandma's fear of black men who pass her on the street, joan? huh joan? is it just more divisive FOR YOU? or are you deciding for america? who's divisiveness is more grounded in fact and research: rev. wright or white grandma?

joan walsh, roger simon and others ... you're doing it again ... you feel empathy for a racist white grandma you feel distrust for an angry black preacher ... you understand the white grandma don't you? you can't comprehend a preacher who spits american critique? you are a victim of the ignorance obama mentioned in his speech ... you are issuing a double standard ... you still don't get it, you still don't want to try to understand jeremiah wright but you are more than happy to justify the lil white grandma ...

it's funny cuz as a kid growing up in a multi-racial house ... i got more races in me than obama so ha ... it was always MORE hurtful to hear racism from a loved one than from a street corner or a TV ... it effected my psyche much deeper that my grandparents could fear black people and love me at the same time ... i didn't care about the david dukes, pat buchanans and the ronald reagans ... they didn't feed me and tuck me in at night ... when it comes from our family the intolerance feels more intolerable ... the dynamic goes like this: a little brown girl can't fathom how her grandparents can hate half of her heritage so it makes her hate people who hate her cuz if her grandparents can know this little brown girl and claim to love her but they can't love her other people then the little girl assumes that nothing will ever make her grandparents or other racists realize that black people are human too ... but that's a side note.

my main thrust is ... white people ... you doing it again

my less main and more sub-thrust is ... the race speech at least helps bring all this out ... all the emotional poison (see don miguel ruiz) and i guess i feel that i don't need to discuss the merits or demerits of the speech cuz i know what's true ... that speech is true ... it could've been truer ... and no presidential election, or for-profit TV show, or cheap blog, or political pundit, or ohio voter can erase the truth ... and even if it takes another 50 years or 100 years the truth will stand ... even if obama loses it all ... the truth will stand ... even if joan walsh never agrees with me ... the truth will stand ... and that truth is: both jeremiah wright and the lil white grandma are BOTH HUMAN and only God can judge them.

i wanna love you joan walsh ... my grandparents keep getting in my way ... one day i won't be doing the same shit ...... again.

let's hear that speech again!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

obama's next pennsy stump speech

this is what obama should say in PA:

"hey people of pennsylvania! i'm glad to be here blah blah intro bullshit. i'm glad to be able to come meet you in person because people have been talking about how the people of PA will vote. ed rendell says white people here won't vote for a black man. the newscasters on every major television channel say the odds are in senator clinton's favor because blue collar white men and women dominate this state. the clinton campaign itself thinks they've got white men and women who earn under $50,000 in their pocket. and the undertone is race. should the people of pennsylvania be stereotyped? should anyone assume that they know what you will do? is hillary clinton suggesting that you do not have independent minds and the ability to go on the internet and see the issues for yourselves? i believe in you people of pennsylvania. i believe that you will not just count me out of this race because i am a black man. i believe that if you hear something you like today in my policies and plans than you will visit my website ... and visit senator clinton's as well. i believe that you will not vote out of old fears but that you will actively try to find out who is the best candidate for your future, your children, your aging mother, and your community. i believe all the voters of this nation can think for themselves and exercise their own sound judgement based on the issues."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

amerika showin its ass

when amerikkka brings its hate ... it brings out the hate in me ... i'm trying to love but all i see is ass crack:

it's funny but i think the dnc is so white girl ... it's just like a white girl to make up the rules of the game and then try to change them when they ain't going her way ... or white boy for that matter.

and to try to change the rules based on some pseudo-intellectual argument ... in a calm RATIONAL way they will try to get what they want based on REASON ... and if the logic doesn't pre-exist then they will use folklore, fear, common-law, de-facto logic to twist perspectives until they appear rational indeed ...

the media is legitimizing the HRC campaign's claim that they have a case for the democratic nominee spot cuz ... guess why ... they won some traditional 'blue' states ...

well, if that was the most important criteria for becoming the dem. nominee why isn't it in the dnc rules to begin with? cuz it's political spin speculation mumbo jumbo. although the analysts, pundits, and yahoos like to wax ad nauseaum about red states versus blue states it is only a political narrative not a physical reality. california really isn't blue motherfuckers!! it's highly mexican - no just kidding. but anyway my point is that hillary's case or argument is only as strong as the media and the superdelegates make it. i think that relying on red state versus blue state polling and projections is more of the same in-the-box politics that will keep us with the same political losers who contrive to win.

i also think the media is totally bolstering her claims by giving the idea so much air time and credibility ... the sentence usually starts off like this on msnbc or cnn: "i do think senator clinton is going to make a strong argument at the convention ..." it's only as strong as people make it.

red state/blue state paradigms are not written into the dnc rules because they are illusory, transient, and dynamic paradigms. hillary clinton is drawing on it's narrative power, it's de facto presence in political discussion, and it's cultural currency. she is not supporting her argument with any FACT. just like a white girl. i've already stated that the HRC machine can say what it wants and then say the total opposite or say something absurd and then look like a victim ... she is so brilliant at being evil. i can't wait till she is president.

furthermore the proof, the facts of this election to date, and the actual voting trends show that obama would be the only one to smash the red state/blue state paradigm (and change the whole playing field?). but ... they don't talk about that so much on the TV. maybe that would be too much REAL change.

i would also like to point out that the dnc is rigged for these loophole white girl/white boy sneak-around-the-system tactics ... the very presence of superdelegates is a counter-punch to the popular vote ... the old white boys of the seventies could never simply rely on the PEOPLE to determine a nominee ... they had to create party elites who somehow demonstrated some kind of infinite wisdom because they had held public office or worked the voter registration tables for many years ... elite thinkers of sound judgement such as, eliot spitzer. need i say more?

amerika gets what it deserves.

no, no, no - let me not succumb to my old hating-white-people ways ...

white people can you pull your pants up and step up to being a human being first?

Monday, March 10, 2008

and the beating goes on

hillary is so hard to love. and hard to hug ...

the u.s. presidential race keeps revealing more about america and her people ... i think obama was on the right track when he suggested that hillary wants to bamboozle and hoodwink the average american.

she can tell the american people anything. and they buy it. she can say she was never for NAFTA despite factual, actual evidence to the contrary. she can claim she has 35 years of experience that she never had. she can create "commander-in-chief threshold(s)" that never before existed in the english language and the american political process. she can whine about who gets the first questions on nationally televised political debates. she can pull the gender card. she can compare obama to ken starr. and she can align herself with the republican oppononent, john mccain.

and this is what she knows: the average american will not go on the internet to check for themselves if the facts are correct on NAFTA. the average american will take her at her word that she has 35 years of experience. the average american is more inclined to believe a white woman whose face has been public fodder for at least ten years rather than a black man (whose face in a turban has been circulated by hillary clinton in this campaign).

she knows that the average american is a lazy thinking, fear guzzling bigot.

and obama challenges americans to be better than they are.

you do the fucking delegate math.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

ohio is the most racist state in the electorate

if i had a talk show that's what we'd be talking about. i'd get all kinds of victim-of-racism-experts to come on and talk about how the primary in ohio only reveals that it is the most racist state in the union.

i was really diggin white people until ohio. ohio reminds me of all the old school racists you know. and dumb fucks. you know people who don't know shit about shit except maybe their local bar and how hard it is to keep their job and their house. people who don't know where iraq is and couldn't give a fuck about what's going on there. people who are scared of what they don't know, never seen, and can't comprehend. i think there's a few black people in ohio like that too.

let's just give ohio to canada.