hillary is so hard to love. and hard to hug ...
the u.s. presidential race keeps revealing more about america and her people ... i think obama was on the right track when he suggested that hillary wants to bamboozle and hoodwink the average american.
she can tell the american people anything. and they buy it. she can say she was never for NAFTA despite factual, actual evidence to the contrary. she can claim she has 35 years of experience that she never had. she can create "commander-in-chief threshold(s)" that never before existed in the english language and the american political process. she can whine about who gets the first questions on nationally televised political debates. she can pull the gender card. she can compare obama to ken starr. and she can align herself with the republican oppononent, john mccain.
and this is what she knows: the average american will not go on the internet to check for themselves if the facts are correct on NAFTA. the average american will take her at her word that she has 35 years of experience. the average american is more inclined to believe a white woman whose face has been public fodder for at least ten years rather than a black man (whose face in a turban has been circulated by hillary clinton in this campaign).
she knows that the average american is a lazy thinking, fear guzzling bigot.
and obama challenges americans to be better than they are.
you do the fucking delegate math.
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