the alternative title is: what is wrong with pat buchanan?
as i sit by my TV ... pat buchanan asks the question: what is wrong with barack obama (if he fails to win white male voters in PA)? WOW ... on so many levels i rush to express 14 different thoughts at once ...
let me start with the love struggle. when pat buchanan poses questions like these on NATIONAL television i want to rip his heart out - thereby voiding all opportunities to love pat because well, he would be a dead and heartless body lying on the floor. at which point i would buy a tee shirt saying I HEART PAT BUCHANAN. that would be easy. but how to love him while his ole ass is still alive???
sigh. i'm digging deep for compassion and here it goes: pat buchanan is simply a product of his environment and family and life experiences. he views the entire world through his own tailor-made-white-man-lens. he lives in his own dream. he is a husband and father ... probably a grandfather. he breathes just like me. he cries (i know he does!) just like me. he gets scared, nervous, and proud ... just like me.
i guess i'm really mad that he has so much POWER. the kind of power where you can say your personal opinion and it gets carried into every home in america by msnbc airwaves ... the kind of power where you can say what you think and if it's controversial enough ... bbc, cspan, cnn, and the ny times will call your assistant to schedule an interview.
the power of posing the question.
it is real. it is very strong. it is why the media has so much POWER. even if the question is illegitimate i.e. is the bell curve book right - do black people genetically have a lower intellect? or what is wrong with barack obama (if he doesn't win white male voters in PA)? or do you love america more than your pastor reverend wright?
the power of posing the question ... is the power to frame the argument. it is the power to set the terms of the debate.
it would never occur to pat to pose the reverse question ... he makes an automatic assumption that the person who is wrong ... is barack. sure, candidates must win voters and not the other way around. ok. so?
why won't white males vote for obama? is there something obama must do or should we take a closer look at the voter? or maybe the question could have been: why isn't barack obama winning that contingency? is something wrong with those white men if they don't vote for him? why does anybody have to be WRONG? maybe there's a more nuanced and smart analysis of the situation.
but instead pat, in his infinite wisdom, suggests ... there is something ... WRONG - with barack obama.
nothing is wrong. not with barack. and not with white male voters. i'm tempted to say the only one wrong is PAT BUCHANAN ... but that would not be very loving ...
sigh. i am so tired of old racists who never step out of their old black, laced up shoes ... i am so tired of these white men who have the power to pose the question ... even as a black man marches towards the presidential nomination ...
i only hope ... the Lord's plan is to show america to itself and others ... to make us bleed so bad with this emotional poison ... that we are eventually purged, cleansed and purified in the fire ... but pat buchanan will never read this (cuz uh nobody reads this right now) ...
or will he? at this point (now having purged my own poision) ... i simply pray.
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