Thursday, May 29, 2008

the smartest mark in the room (2008 ed.)

the current financial crisis is no accident ... it was deliberately created ... many of the co-conspirators are U.S. senators and other politicians (like the PRESIDENT) ... the fall of bear-stearns, the home foreclosures, & the role of the federal reserve are all linked and were all the direct result of U.S. economic policy ... read this article to begin to inform yourself about the biggest set-up since enron ... and sure, go see 'the smartest guys in the room' for some remedial study on enron ...

more people need to know about this cuz this set-up is real and the only way you get set-up is if you remain ignorant ...

love yourself & love your neighbor by reading up on why you may be losing your house and your neighbor might not be your neighbor anymore.

love yourself enough to become the smartest person in the room.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

globalize information, please

never in america ... could there be food riots ...

as there are right now all over the world.

never in america ... do we need to understand how globalization works ... because we globalize we don't get globalized.

this article just touches on the tip of the iceberg ... how america sets the prices and the agenda for the global market ... and has been since the creation of the IMF and the World Bank.

never in america ... will sam's club hoard rice ... oh, that's already happening.

only in america ... do people live so ignorantly that when the real food shortages happen they will be left holding an empty, plastic (non-biodegradable) key food (replace with piggly wiggly, ralph's, giant or any other supermarket chain) bag ...

only in america ... do people WANT to remain ignorant about how other people eat ... or how much fuel costs outside of america ... or how much of the world is HUNGRY ...

until ... america gets hungry.

the time is coming.

so time is of the essence:

my greatest prayer is that more people start to educate themselves about globalization and the slow foods/local foods movement ... this is not about vegan fascism or climate change. i pray that people start to learn about what the IMF and the World Bank are. i pray that we start to impact our foreign trade policies in ways that are loving and humane for all people around the globe and not just specific americans. i told you - it's a prayer ..........

you can start educating yourself in many ways:

1) google SLOW FOODS movement or LOCAL FOODS
2) buy foods at a farmer's market (it's local)
3) read omnivore's dilemna

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

geraldine is dirt

i read in a blog that geraldine ferraro was on TV talking more smack ... that ... woman ... had the nerve to talk shit about hip hop ... she insinuated that all hip hop is sexist .... she complained about barack obama referencing jay z's "dirt on ya shoulders" song ... she cited that as an example of how SEXIST this democratic primary has been ...

hip hop still has a bad name (duh) ... even after all the money it has yielded for sprite (and others of course) ... even after geraldine's own kids (does she have kids??) run out to buy the latest lupe fiasco or kanye west album ... even after all that, people - the elderly especially - associate hip hop with darkness, crime, depravity, mysogyny, low slung jeans, baggy clothes, guns, materialism, and noise ... i just wanted it on record ...

i cannot muster up any fuckin love for THAT WOMAN right now and i'm trying not to cuss her name, shit it's hard ... she just so racist, paranoid, ignorant, fake feminist ... she needs to shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down ...

i should just brush my shoulders off ...

(but i'd rather smack her in the mouth!)

Monday, May 19, 2008

sweet tea

when i heard about barack using the 'derogatory' term "sweetie" to a news reporter i knew that some women and self-proclaimed feminists would go APE shit over it ...



personally, i use the word about 12,000 times a day ... granted i am often addressing kids but sometimes it is directed to my fellow women friends and colleagues ...

am i out of line? am i sexist? maybe huh

well i just had to record my disgust with some of these broads who are blogging and talking on TV shows about the sexism in "sweetie" ... i saw the video clip ...

it aint hard to tell ......

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

CNN quotes me?!

read the article and view the video - i'm in that too!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

the easiest girl in school

another judas in clinton's house! a super-del from indiana switches teams! and for all the right reasons. the letter this guy wrote is painfully SMART and thoughtful ... you can read the entire long ass letter yaself cuz i only pasted my favorite part. this is the part that captures what barack is talking about when he says CHANGE. this is the part that hillary cannot comprehend. this is the part that some will tell you is impossible to change.

this is THE part:

A New Era of Politics

My endorsement of Senator Obama will not be welcome news to my friends and family at the Clinton campaign. If the campaign's surrogates called Governor Bill Richardson, a respected former member of President Clinton's cabinet, a "Judas" for endorsing Senator Obama, we can all imagine how they will treat somebody like me. They are the best practitioners of the old politics, so they will no doubt call me a traitor, an opportunist and a hypocrite. I will be branded as disloyal, power-hungry, but most importantly, they will use the exact words that Republicans used to attack me when I was defending President Clinton.

When they use the same attacks made on me when I was defending them, they prove the callow hypocrisy of the old politics first perfected by Republicans. I am an expert on this because these were the exact tools that I mastered as a campaign volunteer, a campaign manager, a State Party Chair and the National Chair of our Party. I learned the lessons of the tough, right-wing Republicans all too well. I can speak with authority on how to spar with everyone from Lee Atwater to Karl Rove. I understand that, while wrong and pernicious, shallow victory can be achieved through division by semantics and obfuscation. Like many, I succumbed to the addiction of old politics because they are so easy.

Innuendo is easy. The truth is hard.

Sound bites are easy. Solutions are hard.

Spin is simple and easy. Struggling with facts is complicated and hard.

I have learned the hard way that you can love the candidate and hate the campaign. My stomach churns when I think how my old friends in the Clinton campaign will just pick up the old silly Republican play book and call in the same old artificial attacks and bombardments we have all heard before.

Yet, despite the simple and overwhelming pressure to do anything and everything to win, Barack Obama has risen above it all and demanded a new brand of politics. People flock to Senator Obama because they are rejecting the hyperbole of the old politics. The past eight years of George Bush have witnessed a retreat from substance, science, and reason in favor spin, cronyism and ideology. Barack Obama has dared not only to criticize it, as all Democrats do, but to actually reject playing the same old game. And in doing so, he has shown us a new path to victory.

throwing the indiana factory under the bus and putting it back together again

yo! these fucking clintons get away with murder in the media ... they can fuck white house interns and come up golden with an earning potential of $100 million. they could murder you in broad daylight on the white house lawn ... and when the cameras show up while they are still digging your grave they can cackle and say it was a ... misstep?

my point is not that the rest of us are angels who never made a gaffe or transgression or have never been adulterers ... the point is that the MEDIA ignores their blatant lies and hypocrisy ... the MEDIA whether lazy or sensationalist cannot be bothered to be outraged about anything other than jeremiah wright ... they got a lil tight about the bosnia shit but they couldn't even bring themselves to call hills a liar.

what will they say, if anything, about the indiana factory the clintons helped to shut down?

and who wants a president clinton who has ALREADY pissed off the iranian government and who uses 'provocative and irresponsible' language?

i pasted the entire text of ben smith's blog, 'anger in tehran,' here:

The politics of threatening to "obliterate" Iran were apparently too good for either of Clinton's rivals to criticize her for making the threat.

But it has turned into a bit of a diplomatic flap:

Tehran, which insists its nuclear programme is solely for power generation, denounced her words as "provocative and irresponsible..

It said the remarks were "a flagrant violation" of the UN Charter.

In a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Mehdi Danesh-Yazdi, Iran's deputy ambassador to the UN, said Mrs Clinton had "unwarrantedly and under erroneous and false pretexts threatened to use force against the Islamic Republic of Iran."

i should ammend my question about the media ... and pose it just to cable news ... two news sources covered the iran story ... bbc and the nytimes are the ones i've seen so far ...