Thursday, May 1, 2008

throwing the indiana factory under the bus and putting it back together again

yo! these fucking clintons get away with murder in the media ... they can fuck white house interns and come up golden with an earning potential of $100 million. they could murder you in broad daylight on the white house lawn ... and when the cameras show up while they are still digging your grave they can cackle and say it was a ... misstep?

my point is not that the rest of us are angels who never made a gaffe or transgression or have never been adulterers ... the point is that the MEDIA ignores their blatant lies and hypocrisy ... the MEDIA whether lazy or sensationalist cannot be bothered to be outraged about anything other than jeremiah wright ... they got a lil tight about the bosnia shit but they couldn't even bring themselves to call hills a liar.

what will they say, if anything, about the indiana factory the clintons helped to shut down?

and who wants a president clinton who has ALREADY pissed off the iranian government and who uses 'provocative and irresponsible' language?

i pasted the entire text of ben smith's blog, 'anger in tehran,' here:

The politics of threatening to "obliterate" Iran were apparently too good for either of Clinton's rivals to criticize her for making the threat.

But it has turned into a bit of a diplomatic flap:

Tehran, which insists its nuclear programme is solely for power generation, denounced her words as "provocative and irresponsible..

It said the remarks were "a flagrant violation" of the UN Charter.

In a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Mehdi Danesh-Yazdi, Iran's deputy ambassador to the UN, said Mrs Clinton had "unwarrantedly and under erroneous and false pretexts threatened to use force against the Islamic Republic of Iran."

i should ammend my question about the media ... and pose it just to cable news ... two news sources covered the iran story ... bbc and the nytimes are the ones i've seen so far ...

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