2. michelle obama made a speech? lol missed that too! i have retired from the remainder of this presidential race. i mean ... i'm still loving how america is all lost in translation now that there is a black candidate but other than that ... i'ma vote for barack and ... i don't expect much else to change in amerikkka. oh, unless WE the PEOPLE become better human beings. the dnc convention is a dog and pony show. watch them wag the dog. either way michelle obama is the shit if for no other reason than her fits is super fashion forward ... and i heard she gave a bomb ass speech yesterday. google it yaself.
3. e-40 is the new savior of hip hop?! this is the worst news yet ... LOL ... i'm in my new car listening to the radio and shit and this song comes on ... the intro is all about how this song was going to give hip hop substance again and people think hip hop is dead and nobody aint rappin about nothing anymore ... except ... e-40. really? google that yourself too. the song really isn't worth listening to again.
4. andre benjamin has no new album coming out. but i wish he did and that it was all rap.
5. someone (a very good BROTHER LOL) put me on to this site: http://hiphoprepublican.com ... you already know where i'm going with this? WHO GIVES A FUCK IF YOU LISTEN TO HIP HOP AND YOU REPUBLICAN?? do you think that is like being a DOWN-ASS republican? or is it a synonym for COOL republican? does it cancel out the fact that you're a shit-for-brains republican? LOL i am jus playing ... but mcCain aint ... he will throw your hip hopper ass under the bus too. good luck with that and let me know how it works out!
5. it rained for three days straight in atlanta.
6. the sun came out! (then it rained again while the sun was out)

7. and i just realized michelle obama has the same kind of dimple on the side of her chin like me!
1 comment:
I thought watching dog shows was your new pastime?! :P I'm telling the American Kennel Association on you! You're cut off!
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