Friday, August 29, 2008

more break your heart news ...

sigh ... i think mcCain has officially lost it ... he watched the DNC convention and he forgot he was in america ... and then he picked his running mate. 44-year-old female gov. of alaska ... who is this lady? mcCain looks like an ass for picking a running mate with no experience and all the credentials that don't matter: opposite sex, opposite age, opposite skin tone ... could they have been anymore obvious and CONTRIVED? go hip hop republicans! your mcCain picked a winner! LOL how can i learn to love mcCain ... i am finding it hard to find any compassion for him so i'ma pray on that.

and who is this sad and sorry looking guy? this is the marine who just got aquitted of murdering four iraqis in falluja, iraq. he did that shit. and justice in america remains missing in action. maybe it's in iraq? nah, probly not. i remember reading about these murders in 2007 ... he did that shit. they acquitted him cuz there wasn't enuff 'evidence' or so the bbc article says. and there wasn't enough evidence cuz two of his fellow marines refused to testify ... i find it hard to feel love for these particular marines ... but actually it's easier to forgive them than john mcCain. these young men enter combat situations and lose their minds. i can dig it. what's mcCain's excuse .... ahh wait a minute ... maybe he thinks he's still in combat ...

now i feel compassion for them. i almost forgive them. but my observations still hold. i still want justice. you can feel both at the same time.

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