yes. i gave up my cadillacs. i don't like to talk about it too much. cuz then i think about it. and then i want one and miss em ... but honestly, if i don't think about it i don't even notice. GOD is good. heck yeah i prayed! i understand that my enemy is stronger than my will. but as i was pondering my addiction and the nature of addiction in general i got to thinking that (as usual) the western world lied when they said there is one way to quit. maybe the western world didn't say that PER SE but there is a common pattern of western thinking that one size fits all ... one type of eduation, one kind of gym class, one kind of doctor ... what i mean is ... the fact that we don't tailor make clothes anymore ... the fact that we don't grow our own food ... the fact that a western yoga class doesn't take into consideration each individual's personhood ... it's all connected ... are you following me .... maybe not but this all led me to create the following list below ... i don't think this works for everyone's addictions (that was my original point) but i am sharing what worked for me ...
what helped ME to quit smoking:
1. staying away from people who smoke - stay away!
2. crashing my car - it was a sign! i shoulda never been in that chevron parking lot buying those contraband cigarettes
3. not thinking about it
4. going to bed early
5. replacing the habit with wine :) joke?
6. not going out to bars/clubs/social environments where there are lots of people who are drinking wine (or other liquors) and smoking AT THE SAME TIME
7. not talking about it
8. having a plan B: hypnosis
9. loving my daughter
10. loving myself -- i found that i smoked cuz i was bored ... it was a way to avoid being with myself sometimes ... i found that as the love for myself grew ... i am more engaged and entertained by my self without cigarettes ... cigarettes started getting in the way and my self made me choose ... cigarettes or me ...
11. prayer, prayer, prayer ... HE/SHE will change your heart and strengthen your resolve ... just ask ... and see what happens
THE END of smoking .... let's not talk about this ever again. it never happened. i never smoked.
It NEVER happened! Let's never speak of this again. :) I love you!
P.S. Number 10 is how I stopped smoking weed.
YES!! I am so excited to read this post. you've come a long way from bummmin that cig on the village c patio -- shocked the ish outta me but then again maybe that didn't happen, you never smoked ;)
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