when comparing minorities palin just can't hold water against obama ... there's a story from the LA progressive that palin may have called obama 'SAMBO' ... i can't even be serious about racism anymore ... it's so old and tired ... i can only be sarcastic and facetious so all i can say is mcCain wasn't even smart enough not to get a potty-mouth VIP contender ... potty in her mouth ... yucky lady. should we revoke her minority card? sounds like that's what she wants ... she's not a minority ... she just a human republican (oxymoron?) who can get as racist as the best of em ... good to know miss sarah good to know.
McCain's choice just shows the reasons he picked her for a running mate.
1.) She's a woman. (which is fine, but why pick any woman for vp unless you want the swing votes of Hillary's supporters. Certainly looks like he is trying to top Obama in that dept. Also he picked a die-hard evangelist in Palin, so he knows he can still get many votes from the southern & midwest states with her at his side)
2.) She is a direct reflection of all the gun-toting, racist, god fearing, suburbanite, soccer moms who ever lived.
3.) She's a "milf". Or as the meme taggers are labeling it, Palin's a "vpilf". Ha, lame. This is the epitome of american culture nowadays. If it looks good, and it appears glamorous and mimicks cheesy american pop culture then it must be good 'nuff, right? Nevermind their stance on any political issues like abortion, gay rights, foreign policy, etc.
4.) McCain is an old white dude. I'm not talking ageism here, being old isn't so bad in itself. But old people are often "stuck in their ways". How is that "change" when it's pretty obvious he is similar to just about every other president this country has seen? Of course his selection was instinctual. He was probably thinking, "I'll have a young attractive outspoken woman for a running mate. And that should ensure I win the election."
Heh, this is just the beginning... I can't wait to see what happens next.
if these two get into office it will only highlight the never-ending racism that exists in this country. people would rather believe the lies that comes out of this woman's mouth to support "the only man for the job (her words)" than have a black man as president
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