Sunday, September 14, 2008

sunday in savannah by nina simone

i think one of the only things that sets this blog apart is that i'm not afraid to make a fool of myself. to expose my weaknesses. to be self-deprecating and honest with my flaws.

the only thing that makes this journey real is that it's not linear. i have setbacks. i fall back ... i relapse. this aint just about the cigarettes.

a recent turn of events illuminated how much further i have to go in loving myself. not just the cigarettes! ;) umm in these moments when my faith and hope feel a little thin and fragile ... i pray and i meditate. i try to regulate my breathing, focus on my breathing ... for many reasons other than calming it distracts the mind and then it clears the mind ...

anyway what i definitely love about myself is that i am always seeking to love myself. i won't give up. i'm relentless in trying to express my faith in God in that way. i am relentless in my belief that God will always help me.

so even on days like these ... my most humble prayers for peace and acceptance are answered. and i'm thankful.


spitfire said...

minor setbacks will be overcome by major determination to do so

Bảo Ngọc said...

Một trong những điều tuyệt vời về Sàn gỗ cao cấp là dễ dàng vệ sinh, bảo dưỡng. Sàn gỗ cũng có khả năng chống bụi và các hạt gây dị ứng nhỏ bởi lớp bề mặt có phủ lớp nhựa cứng chống trầy, chống bám bụi.