you can get full details at daily kos cuz i aint goin into the nitty gritty. all i'm fascinated by is the clash of cultures.
i don't think i'm offended per se ... i mean FOX news is just plain offensive on the regular. it generally offends me. outside of that i don't automatically reach for a can of whoop ass when i hear about all this hoopla with the baby mama comments about michelle obama ...
BUT whatever FIX news tells you - they did it on purpose. and they did it to be demeaning.

i think i get stuck at this auto-assumption that being a baby mama is a BAD thing ... is that NECESSARILY an insult? ... i personally happen to be a baby mama ... so .......
now, i will say that in the black community and our culture ... it's seen as an insult if that woman is actually some man's WIFE ... but it's not seen as an insult to baby mamas ... unless some trifling behavior is attached to it ...
but white america doesn't really know how we get down. the white media can't even find the vocabulary to discuss this. they don't have the historical context to bring any meaning to these words. and black journalists are struggling to come up with explanations they've never had to offer before.
white people of FOX news using the term 'baby mama' is kinda like when white people used to dress up in blackface. FOX news is parodying black culture by ATTEMPTING to use our language to describe us.
it's a clash. all of a sudden black culture hits the mainstream. white people are bumbling in their rush to now incorporate black lexicon into it's morning shows. if they could the white people would call all the black culture experts ... but there are none. who is the king of the streets?? who can translate language that moves organically and fluidly from county to county and state to state? who wrote the black language anyway?
LOL oooooooo it's so funny ... and black people who must appear on TV with white people don't know who wrote our language either ... cuz it has no king, it has no pro-genitor, it has no BABY DADDY ... it is natural and floating and all oral ...
so i say, be offended if you want cuz FOX meant to offend. but don't feel as if you have to ..... i prefer sitting back and laughing at white people and black people struggle to navigate a culture clash the likes of which none of us have ever experienced before ...
i am not even the slightest bit worried about black folks LOSING our culture ... we so resilient, we so inventive, we so creative, we so smart ... we keep coming up with shit so fast nobody (not the japanese, the europeans, the punjabs) and i mean nobody can keep up with us ...
guess it's just that we so blessed to be opressed.
(but truly i am not making a black supremacist argument - i was being sarcastic. there are others who are equally oppressed as black folk. AND other culture are equally resilient and smart - i was begin facetious because all culture works the way black culture works.)
i didn't mean to write this much on this topic ...
UPDATE: caught sight of this new blog at salon.com ... this dude takes offense and again ... attempts to find the roots of the term "baby mama" ... it's just interesting to watch him scramble around from jamaican patois to ... yawn.
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